Troy Littlefield, 42, is a general manager from Monroe, LA. He began Andi’s Eat To Lose program on June 4 and as of August 21, has lost 33 pounds.
What does he enjoy about the program?
“I like that I don’t feel hungry on the diet, and I have to eat something every 3 hours. This keeps me from feeling like I am going without food. I can still eat everyday foods that I enjoy.”

How has the weight loss changed your life?
“I feel good about myself. Even though I am still working on my goal weight, my clothes fit much better, and I have dropped a pants size. I need a new belt!”
How has the weight loss changed your health?
“When starting the diet, I was slightly hypertensive. I had a physical on August 21, and my blood pressure was perfect. This was the result of simply changing my diet and exercise. I’m currently on no medication other than vitamins and probiotics.”
How is Eat To Lose different than other diets you have tried?
“I don’t have to be concerned with being hungry. Andi put together a plan to help me be prepared for different occasions. She coached me through ordering at a restaurant to making the right decision when ordering at a fast-food restaurant. I have two children and a very busy schedule. Andi’s freezer plan has given my wife and me the ability to have good, healthy meals very quickly.”
How has Eat To Lose changed your perspective on food?
“Food is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and in most cases a change in diet can meet your body’s needs.”

What is one of your favorite recipes from the program?
“Spaghetti with Spaghetti Squash.”
Describe a typical day on this program.
“On a normal morning, I will have a bowl of oatmeal or a nature valley blueberry biscuit. Around 6:30, or 9:30 a.m., I will have some fruit or a cliff bar. At 12:30 p.m., I will have some type of protein – usually fish or chicken, along with a salad. At 3:30 p.m., I will enjoy some type of nut as a snack and at dinner, I will have a protein, a salad, and some type of green vegetable.”
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