Tiffany Hayman, 30, lost over 30 pounds in just two months on the Eat To Lose program. Her favorite part about her new lifestyle? “It’s easy to follow.”

How has the weight loss changed your life?
“I wake up feeling good, and I have energy instead of being drained and miserable.”
How has the Eat to Lose program changed your health?
“I have a bad back that normally hurts daily, but since I have been losing weight the pain has lessened.”
How is this program different from other programs?
“You do not feel like you are starving; you actually have to remind yourself to eat.”
How has Eat to Lose changed your perspective on food?
“I have realized that you should not feel bloated and groggy after eating and that eating the right foods can help you lose weight.”

What is your favorite recipe?
“High-Fiber Chocolate Haystacks!”
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