“From 267 to 241! Twenty-six whole pounds in 6 weeks … Wow!” Justin says. Through Andi Holyfield’s program, Eat To Lose, Justin was able to lose weight and obtain a healthy lifestyle. Not only did the pounds disappear – the inches did, too! Justin has lost 4 inches from his hips as well as 7 ½ inches from his waist. Justin loves the process and says he isn’t done yet!

Justin Martin is an employee of Central Management who has recently completed the Eat To Lose program as part of a company incentive. He achieved great results during the program (26 lbs lost!), here’s what he had to say:
How has weight loss changed your health?
“I generally just feel better, I more energy to do the things I need to accomplish for the day.” Justin is a Type II Diabetic and is hypertensive.
“My blood sugar has never better and I worry less about my diabetes.” Additionally, his blood pressure numbers are out of this world (in a good way).
“My blood pressure now rivals that of my wife.”
What do you think separates Eat To Lose from other weight loss programs?
“I love that Eat to Lose is simple – there are no gimmicks – it’s common sense. No one has laid it out for me as a step-by-step process, and Andi does that.”
What does your doctor think about Eat To Lose and your weight loss?
“I have an appointment next week, and I am anticipating getting off all of my medications”
Has Eat To Lose changed the way you view food?
“I don’t eat solely for pleasure anymore – if that makes sense? I always enjoy what I am eating, but I view it more as fueling my body. I eat to live now, I don’t live to eat.”
Do you think being in a group setting has given you better results?
“The company incentive is what got me started on Eat To Lose. I’m not sure if it affected my results but doing the program with my wife has definitely helped.”
There is a sense of accountability that wouldn’t otherwise be there, “We’ll ask each other, ‘did you drink your water’ or ‘did you take your flax this morning?’”
What are some favorite snacks/recipes you have enjoyed while doing Eat To Lose?
“The spaghetti squash is definitely my favorite. Andi also showed us how to do a Chicken Parmesan using spaghetti squash – it’s so good! My day-to-day go-to is Andi’s grilled chicken salad.”
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