Evalyn Ormond, the CEO of Union General Hospital in Farmerville, Louisiana, has lost 23 pounds with Andi’s Eat To Lose program. She no longer feels “tired” and instead feels motivated for the first time in her adult life to reach her goal of a size 10.
What motivated you to lose the weight?
“I was tired of wearing a woman’s 18 and 2X! The weight made me tired and always left me feeling bad. I wanted to look good again. Being 59, I thought it was about time to quit with the excuses.”

What do you like about the program?
“Andi is so caring, and she is a great coach. And the program makes sense; it’s so easy. If you follow her book, it outlines everything you have to do. She has already done the thinking for you. She is so passionate about her program. After you are educated on the program, you just want to do it for her too. She makes losing weight very interesting. You ask yourself, why don’t I do this? It makes total sense.”
How is it different than other diets you have tried?
“I am not hungry, and I don’t think about what I am going to eat next. The list of foods (which she has already researched) is so helpful. We headed to Wal-Mart and purchased food from her list. It is a no-brainer! You really are not counting calories. The whole diet is about good choices of food, portion control, and eating every three hours until about 7 p.m.”
How has Eat To Lose changed your perspective on food?
“I don’t think about eating food like I did before, i.e., thinking what will I get to eat next! I am not hungry. By eating every three hours, it just does something for your metabolism. I have not used salt since I begin cooking my food. When I do eat out, and they have put salt on the food, it tastes too salty to me.”

How do you feel about the future?
“For the first time in my adult life (after my weight problem began), I feel that I can reach my goal. Yesterday, I spent at least five hours going through my closet, trying on clothes that were too big, and I put them in a box to give away. That is an awesome feeling, except you realize how much money you have lost on those clothes you are giving away!”
What would you say to someone struggling with weight, but hesitant about starting another diet?
“I am recommending her program to everyone I talk to who needs to lose weight.”
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