The employees of Central Management Company have lost a combined total of 334 pounds in 6 weeks! Not only did they lose weight, but they are healthier! Several employees have expressed anticipation of reducing or eliminating their medications at their next doctor’s appointment.

Employee Justin Martin lost a total of 26 pounds through the Eat to Lose plan. He says, “I love that Eat To Lose is simple – there are no gimmicks – it’s common sense. No one has laid it out for me as a step-by-step process, and Andi does that.”
Eat To Lose offers comprehensive services that save both time and money, conserves valuable staff resources, and offers your staff high quality and healthy services. Recent studies have found that a strong culture of health increase financial wealth in the workplace and decreases sick days. Andi Holyfield makes this goal of workplace health easier than ever with corporate seminars and live webinars. When 10 or more employees sign up they receive $100 off the program cost!

Curious how Eat To Lose can serve you? Contact Andi Holyfield today.
Healthy lifestyle changes for couples, groups, families, and the workplace.
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