The Success of Eat to Lose in Balancing Medical Conditions and Achieving Lasting Results

“Andi has been able to achieve weight loss while effectively balancing serious medical issues in many of our mutual patients, from cancer to diabetes, heart problems to digestive issues. Her ability to apply this knowledge and safely and consistently guide people to results is why she has set herself above other area dietitians.” – Dr. Byron Henry
Carey Anderson, owner of Green Horizons Landscape Service, and his wife Holly called Andi Holyfield after Carey’s doctor recommended a healthy diet lifestyle change. Carey had an appointment with Dr. McMahan and was told his liver enzymes and triglycerides were elevated to dangerously high levels and that he was at risk to develop fatty liver disease. Holly was diagnosed five years ago with Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disorder. “Andi customized a special diet to help put the Sjogren’s into remission and I feel amazing!” says Holly. And Holyfield, a local Registered Dietitian and owner of Eat to Lose, created healthy, attainable goals for both Holly and Carey that included liver cleansing, weight loss, and autoimmune diets. This made the process simple for both business owners and parents of three kids!
By week three of Eat to Lose both Holly and Carey lost two inches off their waist and noticed a surge in energy. Within the first six weeks, Carey lost 27 pounds of unwanted fat, three sizes, and his liver enzymes dropped dramatically with his ALT starting at 146 and now at 59! His AST was 77 and is now at 34! “I was shocked that I could shred off 27 pounds, lose four levels of visceral fat, drop my triglycerides from 315 to 164, and even have normal liver enzyme labs in only 42 days of Andi’s simple diet plan,” said Carey. Baking cakes and cookies all day long while raising three kids Holly started Eat to Lose to support her husband and lost two sizes in only six weeks. “My only regret is that I did not start meeting with And four years ago when diagnosed with my autoimmune disorder,” says Holly. Eat to Lose teaches a lot of behavior modification to prevent mindless eating; this was a key factor in Holly’s success while she worked on baking desserts to fill customer orders.
People with fatty liver disease often have insulin resistance; fatty liver disease left untreated can lead to cirrhosis. Nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) is the most common disease that affects about one-quarter of the population. The average Eat to Lose client loses four-six percent body fat in only 42 days and a five-percent body weight loss can lower the fat in the liver, decrease LDL cholesterol, and decrease the entire lipid panel. Eat to Lose is a six-week weight loss program for children and adults that is personalized to suit your individual lifestyle and authentic food cravings. This successful, customized program educates patients to make informed choices, understand how to read nutrition food labels, enjoy eating out, consider portions, and manage food cravings. With over 21 years of experience, And has assisted countless adults and children to develop lasting, healthier eating habits. Whether the goal is to reduce the risk of heart disease, lose weight, or simply improve lab work to decrease medications, Eat to Lose works.
When ten or more people enroll in the diet plan, everyone will receive a $100.00 discount on program costs. Often, insurance providers offer discounts on premiums as health goals are met which saves employers and employees money. Fire up your metabolism with your own customized diet today!
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